Elias Joaquín Little
Aspiring Polymath

Hello World, I'm Elias. I'm currently a Junior at Cornell University 🌿 I am majoring in Operations Research / Information Engineering with a double minor in Math and CS (and a few other classes along the way – I'm a tad ambitious). I am currently working as a Product Management Intern at Silicon Labs and participating in Google Summer of Code working on additions to the Julia Notebook package Pluto. Some of my current projects include final testing before officially launching Monte Carlo Credit 💳(a part of Astuary Developments), contributing to Cornell Data Science and Cornell Data Journal, and expanding on this site.

Born in California and raised in Texas, only one thing is certain. I'm liberal with my servings of BBQ. Most of my time is occupied working on all sorts of various projects, most of which are continuously works in progress. Some projects that I often will revert back to include working on an electric guitar that I started building about 3 5 years ago, working on Project Euler Problems➗, or trying to learn piano 🎹 yet again.

My greatest passion in life is learning new things. My primary interest are found in the STEM realm, including math, computer science, physics, but they reach far beyond that. I am an avid musician and connoisseur of music, I am also have recently been getting my feet wet with psychology. Other topics of interest to me include architecture, material science, philosophy, and finance.

Some of my favorite albums
Reading List
Books I'm currently reading or have recently read
Some of my favorite TV shows